Raven Bos

Raven Bos

Devoted music junkie. Amateur bacon evangelist. Incurable twitter trailblazer. Hardcore beer buff. Amateur twitter practitioner. Extreme bacon guru.

94 Author´s Posts
Preparing Financial Statements: An Overview

Preparing Financial Statements: An Overview

Financial statements are an essential part of any business, and preparing them correctly is a complex process. From...

The Benefits of Diversification for Employee Trust Funds

The Benefits of Diversification for Employee Trust Funds

Employee trust funds are an important component of many retirement plans, offering individuals the opportunity to...

Selecting a Trustee or Trustees: What You Need to Know

Selecting a Trustee or Trustees: What You Need to Know

When it comes to managing a trust fund, selecting a trustee or trustees is an important decision. The right choice can...

Types of Employee Ownership Trusts Explained

Types of Employee Ownership Trusts Explained

Employee ownership trusts have become increasingly popular in recent years, as they offer employees the chance to become...

The History of Employee Ownership Trusts

The History of Employee Ownership Trusts

Employee ownership trusts have become increasingly popular as a way of providing employees with an ownership stake in the ...

Benchmarking Employee Trust Fund Performance

Benchmarking Employee Trust Fund Performance

Investing in an employee trust fund can be a great way to ensure financial security for your workforce. But how do you...

Asset Allocation and Portfolio Diversification

Asset Allocation and Portfolio Diversification

Asset allocation and portfolio diversification are essential components of successful employee trust fund management....

Exploring Employee Ownership Trusts

Exploring Employee Ownership Trusts

Employee ownership trusts are becoming increasingly popular among businesses looking to provide more financial security...

Tax Implications of Distributions from Trust Funds

Tax Implications of Distributions from Trust Funds

When it comes to distributions from trust funds, there are many tax implications to consider. Employees who own shares in ...

The potential of long-term appreciation in value of shares

The potential of long-term appreciation in value of shares

Are you looking for a way to increase your financial security? Investing in stocks can be a great option, as it provides...

Understanding Dividend Payments from Employee Ownership Trusts

Understanding Dividend Payments from Employee Ownership Trusts

As an employee-owner, you are entitled to various benefits, including the potential for dividend payments from employee...

Understanding Financial Risks for Employees

Understanding Financial Risks for Employees

Employees are the backbone of any organization, and as such, they must be aware of the financial risks associated with...

Understanding Share Options and Capital Gains Tax Benefits

Understanding Share Options and Capital Gains Tax Benefits

Are you considering becoming an employee-owner and taking advantage of the financial benefits it can bring? If so,...

The Basics of Capital Gains Tax on Shares in a Trust Fund

The Basics of Capital Gains Tax on Shares in a Trust Fund

If you are an employee of a company that has an employee ownership trust, you may be wondering what capital gains tax...

Share Ownership Plans and Tax Benefits Explained

Share Ownership Plans and Tax Benefits Explained

Employee ownership trusts can be a great way to share ownership and give employees a stake in the company they work for....

High Cost of Setting Up and Maintaining an Employee-Owned Trust

High Cost of Setting Up and Maintaining an Employee-Owned Trust

Creating and maintaining an employee-owned trust can be a costly endeavor. From legal fees to administrative costs,...

Tax Efficient Investments for Employee Ownership Trusts

Tax Efficient Investments for Employee Ownership Trusts

Employee Ownership Trusts (EOTs) offer a unique opportunity for employers to give employees an ownership stake in their...

The Potential Benefits of Capital Gains from Selling or Transferring Shares

The Potential Benefits of Capital Gains from Selling or Transferring Shares

If you're considering becoming an employee-owner, you may be wondering about the potential capital gains that could come...

Tax Incentives for Employers to Set Up an Employee-Owned Trust

Tax Incentives for Employers to Set Up an Employee-Owned Trust

Employee-owned trusts can be a great way for employers to save on taxes and increase employee morale and loyalty....

Tax Implications for Employees on Sale of Shares

Tax Implications for Employees on Sale of Shares

When employees are considering selling their shares, it's important to understand the tax implications of the...

The importance of financial literacy: Investment advice for employee trust funds

The importance of financial literacy: Investment advice for employee trust funds

Employee trust funds are an important tool for workers to save for their retirement, but it’s essential for employees...

Employee Stock Options and Voting Rights Explained

Employee Stock Options and Voting Rights Explained

Employee stock options and voting rights are important components of employee ownership trusts and offer employees a...

Tax Deductions for Contributions to an Employee-Owned Trust

Tax Deductions for Contributions to an Employee-Owned Trust

Many employees are turning to employee-owned trusts as a way to save for retirement, but they may not be aware of the tax ...

The Basics of Mutual Funds and ETFs

The Basics of Mutual Funds and ETFs

When it comes to investing, mutual funds and ETFs are two of the most popular options for employees looking to maximize...

Understanding the Role of Risk Management in Employee Trust Investment Potential

Understanding the Role of Risk Management in Employee Trust Investment Potential

In today's ever-changing business landscape, understanding the role of risk management in employee trust investment...

Attracting and Retaining Talent: A Comprehensive Guide

Attracting and Retaining Talent: A Comprehensive Guide

Attracting and retaining talented employees is critical for any business to remain competitive. It can be a daunting task ...

Understanding the Legal Duties of Trustees in an Employee Trust Fund

Understanding the Legal Duties of Trustees in an Employee Trust Fund

Employee trust funds are becoming increasingly popular as a way to provide employees with long-term financial security....

Risk Management in an Employee Trust Fund

Risk Management in an Employee Trust Fund

When it comes to investing in an employee trust fund, risk management is one of the most important considerations....

The Limited Voting Rights of Employees: What You Need to Know

The Limited Voting Rights of Employees: What You Need to Know

Employee-owned trusts are becoming increasingly popular in the modern workplace, offering employees a stake in the...

Exploring the Benefits of Employee Ownership Trusts with Lush Cosmetics

Exploring the Benefits of Employee Ownership Trusts with Lush Cosmetics

As consumers become increasingly aware of the environmental, social, and economic impact of their purchasing decisions,...

Tax Implications of Employer Shares

Tax Implications of Employer Shares

Selling employer shares can be a complex process, with many different tax implications for both employers and employees....

Long-term Investment Strategies: Maximizing Employee Trust Fund Performance

Long-term Investment Strategies: Maximizing Employee Trust Fund Performance

When it comes to maximizing the performance of employee trust funds, a long-term investment strategy is key. Taking a...

The John Lewis Partnership: Employee Ownership Trusts Explained

The John Lewis Partnership: Employee Ownership Trusts Explained

The John Lewis Partnership is a unique and iconic business model, focused on employee ownership and profit sharing. It is ...

Creating an Investment Policy Statement

Creating an Investment Policy Statement

Creating an Investment Policy Statement (IPS) is an important step for any organization that manages an employee trust...

Engaging Employees: The Advantages of Employee-Owned Trusts

Engaging Employees: The Advantages of Employee-Owned Trusts

Employee engagement and motivation are essential components of any successful business. However, many organizations...

Managing Tax Liabilities on Trust Fund Income

Managing Tax Liabilities on Trust Fund Income

When managing trust fund income, it is important to understand the tax liabilities associated with it. Trust fund income...

Funding Trust Fund Investments: A Comprehensive Overview

Funding Trust Fund Investments: A Comprehensive Overview

Trust funds are a great way to ensure the financial security of your employees and their families. But managing these...

Analyzing Risk and Return of a Trust Fund

Analyzing Risk and Return of a Trust Fund

When managing an employee trust fund, it is essential to understand the risk and return of the investments. Knowing the...

Opportunities for Professional Development in Employee Ownership Trusts

Opportunities for Professional Development in Employee Ownership Trusts

Employee Ownership Trusts (EOTs) provide a unique opportunity for professional development, enabling employees to become...

Understanding Employee Ownership Trusts (EOTs)

Understanding Employee Ownership Trusts (EOTs)

Employee ownership trusts (EOTs) have become increasingly popular in recent years, as businesses look for ways to...

Measuring Return on Investment in a Trust Fund

Measuring Return on Investment in a Trust Fund

Investing in a trust fund can be a great way to secure your financial future. But, it's important to understand the risks ...

Increased Control for Employees: Advantages and Disadvantages

Increased Control for Employees: Advantages and Disadvantages

Employee-owned trusts are becoming increasingly popular as a way for businesses to provide employees with more control...

Real Estate Investments: An Overview

Real Estate Investments: An Overview

Real estate investments can be a great way to increase your financial security and build long-term wealth. With the right ...

Employee Engagement and Motivation: Non-Financial Benefits of Employee Ownership Trusts

Employee Engagement and Motivation: Non-Financial Benefits of Employee Ownership Trusts

Having a motivated and engaged workforce is essential for any business to succeed. Employee engagement and motivation can ...

Understanding Stocks and Bonds: What Every Employee Trust Fund Investor Should Know

Understanding Stocks and Bonds: What Every Employee Trust Fund Investor Should Know

Employee trust funds can be an excellent way to secure long-term financial stability for your retirement. Investing in...

Understanding the Complex Legal Requirements of Employee-Owned Trusts

Understanding the Complex Legal Requirements of Employee-Owned Trusts

Employee-owned trusts are becoming increasingly popular among businesses for a number of reasons, but the complex legal...

Exploring Dividend Payments from Employee Trust Funds

Exploring Dividend Payments from Employee Trust Funds

Employee trust funds can provide a great way for employees to benefit from their company's success. Dividend payments...

Risk Management Strategies for Employee Trust Funds and Asset Management

Risk Management Strategies for Employee Trust Funds and Asset Management

In today's uncertain economic climate, it is increasingly important for organizations to have effective risk management...

The Benefits of Employer-Owned Trusts Explained

The Benefits of Employer-Owned Trusts Explained

For employers, an employee ownership trust can offer a range of tax benefits that can make a significant difference to...

Understanding the Performance of Employee Trust Funds

Understanding the Performance of Employee Trust Funds

Employee trust funds are an increasingly popular way of providing financial stability and security for the future. With...

Creating Trust Fund Policies & Procedures

Creating Trust Fund Policies & Procedures

Trust funds are a critical component of any employee benefits package and must be managed carefully and in accordance...

Understanding Employee Ownership Trusts (EOTs)

Understanding Employee Ownership Trusts (EOTs)

Employee Ownership Trusts (EOTs) have become increasingly popular in recent years as a way of providing employees with...

The Benefits of Greater Personal Responsibility and Engagement

The Benefits of Greater Personal Responsibility and Engagement

It's no secret that having a greater sense of personal responsibility and engagement in the workplace can have major...

Diversification Strategy: An Overview of Investment Strategies for Employee Trust Funds

Diversification Strategy: An Overview of Investment Strategies for Employee Trust Funds

Employee trust funds are a great way to diversify your investments and build a well-rounded portfolio. With the right...

The Benefits of Alternative Investments in an Employee Trust Fund

The Benefits of Alternative Investments in an Employee Trust Fund

Are you considering investing your employee trust fund into alternative investments? If so, you'll want to consider the...

Tax Benefits for Employees: A Comprehensive Overview

Tax Benefits for Employees: A Comprehensive Overview

Employee-owned trusts provide employees with a range of tax benefits that can help them to save money and increase their...

Monitoring the Performance of an Employee Trust Fund

Monitoring the Performance of an Employee Trust Fund

Employee trust funds are an important part of managing a business and ensuring the success of its employees. As a...

Legal Requirements for Setting Up an Employee Trust

Legal Requirements for Setting Up an Employee Trust

Employee trusts are an important tool for businesses to provide incentives to their workers, while also protecting the...

The Benefits of Employee Trust Funds: Long-term Financial Rewards

The Benefits of Employee Trust Funds: Long-term Financial Rewards

Creating an employee trust fund is an excellent way to ensure the long-term financial security of your employees. By...

Exploring the Lack of Liquidity for Employees in Employee-Owned Trusts

Exploring the Lack of Liquidity for Employees in Employee-Owned Trusts

Employee-owned trusts, also known as Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPs), have been a popular form of employee...

Unravelling the Tax Deductions for Administrative Expenses of a Trust Fund

Unravelling the Tax Deductions for Administrative Expenses of a Trust Fund

As an employer or business owner, you may be considering setting up an employee ownership trust (EOT) to provide your...

The Potential Increase in Salary or Wages from Bonus Payments or Dividends from Shares in Employee Ownership Trusts

The Potential Increase in Salary or Wages from Bonus Payments or Dividends from Shares in Employee Ownership Trusts

Employee Ownership Trusts have been gaining increased attention in recent years, due to the potential financial benefits...

Understanding Tax Deductions for Employer Contributions to Employee Ownership Trusts

Understanding Tax Deductions for Employer Contributions to Employee Ownership Trusts

Employer contributions to employee ownership trusts are an important way for employers to reward their employees and to...

Tax Deductions for Employer Expenses Related to Employee Ownership Trusts

Tax Deductions for Employer Expenses Related to Employee Ownership Trusts

For employers who are looking to provide employees with an ownership stake in their business, Employee Ownership Trusts...

Stocks and Bonds in an Employee Trust Fund - An Overview

Stocks and Bonds in an Employee Trust Fund - An Overview

Investing in stocks and bonds through an employee trust fund can be an excellent way to diversify your portfolio and...

Making Distributions to Employees: A Guide to Managing Trust Fund Finances

Making Distributions to Employees: A Guide to Managing Trust Fund Finances

Managing trust fund finances for employees is an important and often overlooked part of running a business. Ensuring that ...

The Benefits of Increased Autonomy and Control for Employees

The Benefits of Increased Autonomy and Control for Employees

Employees are the most important asset of any organization, and it's essential that they have autonomy and control over...

The Impact of Increased Job Satisfaction and Motivation on Employee Ownership Trusts

The Impact of Increased Job Satisfaction and Motivation on Employee Ownership Trusts

The idea of employee ownership trusts is becoming increasingly popular in today's corporate world. It promises employees...

Risk Management Strategies for Employee Trust Funds

Risk Management Strategies for Employee Trust Funds

Employee trust funds represent a valuable investment opportunity for any business, providing the potential for long-term...

Tax Deductions for Employer Contributions to an Employee Trust Fund

Tax Deductions for Employer Contributions to an Employee Trust Fund

Every employer and business owner knows that there are certain costs associated with operating their business. One of...

Mutual Funds and ETFs in an Employee Trust Fund

Mutual Funds and ETFs in an Employee Trust Fund

Investing in mutual funds and exchange-traded funds (ETFs) can be a great way to maximize the potential of an employee...

Increasing Productivity and Motivation Among Employees

Increasing Productivity and Motivation Among Employees

The modern workplace is changing. Companies are increasingly looking for ways to increase productivity and motivation...

Reducing Staff Turnover: Advantages of Employee-Owned Trusts

Reducing Staff Turnover: Advantages of Employee-Owned Trusts

Employee-owned trusts offer many advantages for businesses looking to reduce staff turnover and improve employee...

The Benefits of Increased Employee Engagement & Loyalty

The Benefits of Increased Employee Engagement & Loyalty

When employers are looking for ways to build loyalty and engagement among their employees, they often turn to...

Managing Conflicts of Interest in a Trust Fund

Managing Conflicts of Interest in a Trust Fund

Trust funds are becoming increasingly popular vehicles for individuals and organizations to safeguard their assets. As...

Employee Ownership Trusts: Enhanced Job Satisfaction for Employees

Employee Ownership Trusts: Enhanced Job Satisfaction for Employees

Employee Ownership Trusts (EOTs) are an increasingly popular way for businesses to ensure job satisfaction among their...

Collecting Contributions from Employees

Collecting Contributions from Employees

Employee trust fund management is a critical task for any organization, and collecting contributions from employees is an ...

The Benefits of Diversifying Assets in a Trust

The Benefits of Diversifying Assets in a Trust

Creating a trust can be a great way to secure your assets and pass them on to future generations. However, it is...

Exploring Aardvark Swift: Employee Ownership Trusts Explained

Exploring Aardvark Swift: Employee Ownership Trusts Explained

Employee ownership trusts are becoming increasingly popular as a way to give employees a stake in the companies they work ...

Understanding the Complexity of Setting Up and Managing an Employee-Owned Trust

Understanding the Complexity of Setting Up and Managing an Employee-Owned Trust

Setting up and managing an employee-owned trust can be a complex and intimidating process. With so many details to...

Tax Deductions for Contributions to Trust Funds

Tax Deductions for Contributions to Trust Funds

Have you ever considered making a contribution to a trust fund? If so, you may be eligible for tax deductions....

Understanding Risks Associated with Employee Ownership Trusts

Understanding Risks Associated with Employee Ownership Trusts

Employee ownership trusts are an increasingly popular way for employees to become owners of their companies, but there...

The Benefits of Employee-Owned Trusts: Improved Productivity and Morale

The Benefits of Employee-Owned Trusts: Improved Productivity and Morale

Employee-owned trusts provide an innovative approach to corporate ownership and management, offering the potential to...

Income Tax on Dividends from an Employee Trust Fund

Income Tax on Dividends from an Employee Trust Fund

Employee trust funds are a great way for businesses and employees to benefit financially. They can provide employees with ...

Rebalancing an Employee Trust Fund: A Comprehensive Guide

Rebalancing an Employee Trust Fund: A Comprehensive Guide

Employee trust funds are an important part of any organization's asset management strategy. A well-managed trust fund can ...

The Benefits of Employee Ownership Trusts

The Benefits of Employee Ownership Trusts

Are you considering an employee ownership trust for your business? If so, you’re not alone! Employee ownership trusts...

Exploring Regulatory Bodies and Employee Ownership Trusts

Exploring Regulatory Bodies and Employee Ownership Trusts

Employee ownership trusts are increasingly becoming more popular as a way for companies to provide their employees with a ...